
Pay student workers a livable wage!!

This summer has been such a struggle because while I was fortunate to secure a student working contract over the summer, the pay is less than it would be during the fall and spring months. I knew that going in, and I knew money would be tight. But of course, I forgot that my lease renewal (along with a raised rent) went into effect this month. It’s costing me over 100% of what I earned working full time for a month. I worked a second job during the month and even that makes it barely scraping by until I get paid again. I don’t understand what universities think we do during the semester breaks. I’ve been financially independent for my entire college experience, so this has been a constant annual struggle. I am just tired of it!! I shouldn’t be wishing my summer break away so I can go to…

This summer has been such a struggle because while I was fortunate to secure a student working contract over the summer, the pay is less than it would be during the fall and spring months. I knew that going in, and I knew money would be tight. But of course, I forgot that my lease renewal (along with a raised rent) went into effect this month. It’s costing me over 100% of what I earned working full time for a month. I worked a second job during the month and even that makes it barely scraping by until I get paid again.

I don’t understand what universities think we do during the semester breaks. I’ve been financially independent for my entire college experience, so this has been a constant annual struggle. I am just tired of it!! I shouldn’t be wishing my summer break away so I can go to the grocery store guilt free.

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