
Paycheck bounced

Yep. Was working as a contractor for a major regional company. My paychecks were either short or late. (The owner of the contracting company couldn't do direct deposit because he had not yet secured a tax identification number). I complained and complained to my manager (and filed a wage complaint with the state). The company finally cancelled the contract, and then 1 day later my paycheck bounced. The owner did give me a cashier's check, but now the NSF charges are piling up. I'm beyond livid.

Yep. Was working as a contractor for a major regional company. My paychecks were either short or late. (The owner of the contracting company couldn't do direct deposit because he had not yet secured a tax identification number). I complained and complained to my manager (and filed a wage complaint with the state). The company finally cancelled the contract, and then 1 day later my paycheck bounced. The owner did give me a cashier's check, but now the NSF charges are piling up. I'm beyond livid.

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