
Payroll Problems

Hi all! So I recently was given a verbal promotion including a raise. Cool. Got my direct deposit and the raise was not included. I alerted my boss as soon as I found out and it immediately got messy. I was told they’d get to it when they get to it. On day 2 no check I followed up via email just to kind of get a gage of what was going on. I was informed that there are more important things going on in the company and why did I even need the money, I had been just fine before the raise. I’ve been urged by a coworker to apologize, but I’m not really sure what for? According to hearsay I hurt their feelings and made them feel like they can’t trust me. I don’t want to quit, but I feel a little paranoid that I’m going to be…

Hi all! So I recently was given a verbal promotion including a raise. Cool. Got my direct deposit and the raise was not included. I alerted my boss as soon as I found out and it immediately got messy. I was told they’d get to it when they get to it. On day 2 no check I followed up via email just to kind of get a gage of what was going on. I was informed that there are more important things going on in the company and why did I even need the money, I had been just fine before the raise. I’ve been urged by a coworker to apologize, but I’m not really sure what for? According to hearsay I hurt their feelings and made them feel like they can’t trust me. I don’t want to quit, but I feel a little paranoid that I’m going to be fired. I want to smooth things over but I don’t feel like I owe an apology. There’s no HR here so I also want to protect myself just in case. I guess comrades, what would you do?

Edit: I do have my new pay confirmed in an email I sent and I finally received my check today, but I’m concerned about retaliation for advocating for myself…

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