
People have no sympathy for pets.

A bit random but, I work at a company that has an extremely live to work mentality (I do my best to set down boundaries — won’t see your email past 5:30, text me if it’s urgent and even then there’s no guarantee I can do it, etc.) and recently my cat has had a severe seizure type episode where she attacked her own tail and made it bleed. She’s okay now but as a result I need to make sure she wears an e collar for a week, keep an eye on her and give her medication evenly spaced apart for the anxiety and pain. I asked my boss if it was OK for me to work from home for this week while I do this (my job can easily be done from home because I am HR and mostly support my boss and do paperwork for new hires…

A bit random but, I work at a company that has an extremely live to work mentality (I do my best to set down boundaries — won’t see your email past 5:30, text me if it’s urgent and even then there’s no guarantee I can do it, etc.) and recently my cat has had a severe seizure type episode where she attacked her own tail and made it bleed. She’s okay now but as a result I need to make sure she wears an e collar for a week, keep an eye on her and give her medication evenly spaced apart for the anxiety and pain. I asked my boss if it was OK for me to work from home for this week while I do this (my job can easily be done from home because I am HR and mostly support my boss and do paperwork for new hires and terms), and she was like “ok but if your cat improves it would be good if you could come in later in the week.” Idk man, it’s just bad vibes. Like, I get that I’m supposed to be in the office for my job, but this is way more important than this silly little position. I feel like there was some pushback for a request that wasn’t all that ridiculous. Furthermore, I probably would’ve gotten more sympathy had this happened to my kid if I had one.

Just a vent!

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