
People like me are not cut out for the working world – feel like I’m doomed to fail at any job. Struggling to see a future for myself.

I 24F am extremely anxious and sensitive. I have been working on it for 3 years in therapy, which has helped, but of course has not made these things magically go away. Work feels absolutely impossible. I'm at my second full-time job out of college, and both have been completely miserable. I work in HR and I beat myself up over every mistake, and feel constantly anxious thinking about what my next mistake will be. I lack attention to detail, so even when I take everything slow and try very hard, I still make at least a small mistake. I can barely present or speak in meetings, because I get so nervous that my voice and entire body shakes uncontrollably. I'm not even a good problem solver, I find I lean so much on others for their ideas because I'm too scared to do anything wrong. These traits are going…

I 24F am extremely anxious and sensitive. I have been working on it for 3 years in therapy, which has helped, but of course has not made these things magically go away.

Work feels absolutely impossible. I'm at my second full-time job out of college, and both have been completely miserable. I work in HR and I beat myself up over every mistake, and feel constantly anxious thinking about what my next mistake will be. I lack attention to detail, so even when I take everything slow and try very hard, I still make at least a small mistake. I can barely present or speak in meetings, because I get so nervous that my voice and entire body shakes uncontrollably. I'm not even a good problem solver, I find I lean so much on others for their ideas because I'm too scared to do anything wrong.

These traits are going to make it so hard for me to be good and happy at any job. I feel I'm doomed to fail and be miserable. I am looking into grad school programs for school counseling – I want to help kids who feel like outsiders, or are going through far worse. But then I think – how does someone like me even do well in a job, and how can someone like me handle that kind of responsibility? Even if I like the sound of it, my anxiety holds me back from doing well.

I don't mean this in a “boo-hoo poor me” way. I know there are plenty of others who feel this and those who are going through far worse. But this is still a sad reality for me to come to terms with.

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