
People love sucking the dick of corporate america

Article about mom being dragged for pulling daughter out of school to hang out for a beach day. The main reason she gets dragged is because “pEopLe cAnT jUsT nOt gO iNto wOrK wHeN itS hOt”. Like how do you read those words and think.. yes the system that ensures my child is only ready to work for the rest of her life is working the way I want it to. Wtf

Article about mom being dragged for pulling daughter out of school to hang out for a beach day. The main reason she gets dragged is because “pEopLe cAnT jUsT nOt gO iNto wOrK wHeN itS hOt”. Like how do you read those words and think.. yes the system that ensures my child is only ready to work for the rest of her life is working the way I want it to. Wtf

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