
People, please realize–if it’s not your family/close friend, you are just a mercenary.

This is a lesson I had to learn and want people to learn ASAP. If the business you're at isn't your dear family member or a dear friend–you are just a mercenary. The unpaid overtime and hard work will get you compliments, but will not enrich your life. You'll have less free time to make memories or spend with dear ones. Your boss might like you and chat with you–this doesn't mean you're being paid fairly or your job is good. Be polite, be courteous, and if you've been at your job 2 years–consider if it's time to go job hunting for a big raise. My last job, at a law firm I left, I had coworkers in their 40s who had been at that job 10+ years, and were making just a tad more than my 20 year old brother was making at Walmart. They were also indignant to…

This is a lesson I had to learn and want people to learn ASAP.

If the business you're at isn't your dear family member or a dear friend–you are just a mercenary.

The unpaid overtime and hard work will get you compliments, but will not enrich your life. You'll have less free time to make memories or spend with dear ones. Your boss might like you and chat with you–this doesn't mean you're being paid fairly or your job is good.

Be polite, be courteous, and if you've been at your job 2 years–consider if it's time to go job hunting for a big raise. My last job, at a law firm I left, I had coworkers in their 40s who had been at that job 10+ years, and were making just a tad more than my 20 year old brother was making at Walmart. They were also indignant to find out that their employer had ads up to hire new mailroom people with no experience for more than they were paying employees with HUGE workloads who had been there 10 years.

You're just a mercenary. Your job is to get the best pay with the most free time/flexibility and lowest stress. And that will mean you need to leave your job even if your boss is funny or flirts with you.

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