
People who quit with no warning when they know there’s only 1-2 employees that will have to work every single day and pick up their slack are assholes bro

I’ve been working in a club for the last year, which has been a good change. Less rules, very relaxed environment. No hourly wage so really we have the opportunity to make as much as we want assuming there’s money in the club that night. But the type of people that work in this industry are the WORST. Girls come and work for a few weeks, if we’re lucky, a month or 2. And then just quit with no warning leaving me and 1 other waitress/doorgirl fucked. And these girls know that if they do that we will have to work every single night until they hire someone new. We don’t work short shifts either. I’m talking 10-12 hours 7 days a week when this shit happens bro. Last time it took over a month for a new hire. They try to be selective and weed out the ones that…

I’ve been working in a club for the last year, which has been a good change. Less rules, very relaxed environment. No hourly wage so really we have the opportunity to make as much as we want assuming there’s money in the club that night. But the type of people that work in this industry are the WORST.

Girls come and work for a few weeks, if we’re lucky, a month or 2. And then just quit with no warning leaving me and 1 other waitress/doorgirl fucked. And these girls know that if they do that we will have to work every single night until they hire someone new. We don’t work short shifts either. I’m talking 10-12 hours 7 days a week when this shit happens bro. Last time it took over a month for a new hire. They try to be selective and weed out the ones that seem like they wouldn’t last but it still happens. Just doesn’t make sense bro. The least they could do is let the manager know a few weeks before so they can start looking for a replacement. The last girl did that and it was great.

And yes the money is great when you’re working 7 days a week, but it’s literally not worth the exhaustion.

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