I think most of us agree, locking basic human necessities behind wages is an issue. Even the more centric people here think that work should give everyone a “livable wage.” I think it’s great to focus on making work better, but this isn’t work reform. It is anti work. Making work sustainable, fair, and more are reasonable and admirable goals, but I don’t think that is the end focus.
UBI (Universal Basic Income) is an idea I truly like. It will be quite hard for something this progressive to become the norm, but giving everyone regardless of employment status a means to live is probably the best we can hope for. At least in America, I know there is enough money for every citizen to be well fed, housed, and more if the top 1% didn’t hoard the vast majority of wealth. I believe a UBI is possible, and while some may choose not to work I am certain plenty others would, for 2 reasons: Additional income, not to live but to buy nice toys and eat at fancy restaurants, and as well as the intrinsic motivations people have.
Have you ever heard those stories of people doing these incredible philanthropy missions out of the kindness of their heart? For example, I remember seeing one about a man who saved puppies from the dump and set up his own shelter next to his home. People partake in artistic pursuits because of what they enjoy creating, open-source software projects like VLC or Blender are some of the best available, and teachers passionate about education that they endure ridicule and financial hardship just to be in that field. There are so many jobs I believe people would do regardless of pay if they were taken care of.
Will we one day live in a utopia where people can do as they please instead of being ushered into higher paying fields? Where poverty is a myth, no one starves and most everyone has plenty? Where people are respected regardless of where they work because there isn’t a “paycheck score” attached to show who is “more valuable?” I hope so, but it won’t be easy.
Don’t get me wrong, unionization is great and I’m happy you showed that jerk of a boss what for! Knowing your worth and sticking up against abuse is extremely important, and I believe what we are doing now is a great step in the right direction. I just wanted to say that I think there is more to do past that, someday.