
Perspective from a 33 year old cancer patient…

Thank fuck i've got it. I was diagnosed when I was 31 and while at first it terrified me, I have since embraced it and have been enjoying not having to work anymore after spending the years since I was 16 doing nothing but work 30-40 hours a week. I remember having a conversation with my dad when I was ~21 years old and saying to him “you know how some people spend their whole lives working 40+ hours a week – what if I just don't fucking want to do that?” and while he had no answer that I can remember, my opinion has not changed at all since. I don't know how alone I stand in this opinion but the world is absolutely crazy that it has reached a point where I am happy to die rather than work for bullshit reasons and bullshit companies. I am glad…

Thank fuck i've got it. I was diagnosed when I was 31 and while at first it terrified me, I have since embraced it and have been enjoying not having to work anymore after spending the years since I was 16 doing nothing but work 30-40 hours a week.

I remember having a conversation with my dad when I was ~21 years old and saying to him “you know how some people spend their whole lives working 40+ hours a week – what if I just don't fucking want to do that?” and while he had no answer that I can remember, my opinion has not changed at all since.

I don't know how alone I stand in this opinion but the world is absolutely crazy that it has reached a point where I am happy to die rather than work for bullshit reasons and bullshit companies.

I am glad that I have this 'uniformly fatal' disease as I have a young daighter who I will greatly miss – but now I won't have to be remembered as the father who abandoned her, but as the father who was taken away, and the secret that I hated what the world was before I left will never have to be revealed.

I will try my best to enjoy the years I have remaining and I wish my best to everyone here and that the problems with the general workforce will somehow be resolved when I am gone.

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