
Pesky Co-Worker (Weird Behaviors)

So last night right… my supervisor texts me about something that he could only have seen me if he was physically there… and I didn’t really put it together until I just got off of my shift. It was the lady I work with dude🤦‍️ We all know the type of person… y’all work at a job where you might be able to advance, so that person just starts trying hard and acting like they run shit or something, so annoying. Anywho, she’s a real “documenter” for lack of better terminology, she just records everything at work… it was cool when she was going after the business itself, because if I’m being honest the place I work at is on bullshit sometimes, And I didn’t think much of it… but the other night (we work overnight security btw) I caught myself dozing off and didn’t rotate posts with her on…

So last night right… my supervisor texts me about something that he could only have seen me if he was physically there… and I didn’t really put it together until I just got off of my shift. It was the lady I work with dude🤦‍️ We all know the type of person… y’all work at a job where you might be able to advance, so that person just starts trying hard and acting like they run shit or something, so annoying. Anywho, she’s a real “documenter” for lack of better terminology, she just records everything at work… it was cool when she was going after the business itself, because if I’m being honest the place I work at is on bullshit sometimes, And I didn’t think much of it… but the other night (we work overnight security btw) I caught myself dozing off and didn’t rotate posts with her on time and she got upset with me because of me messing up the rotations, she couldn’t go to the Wendy’s that’s adjacent to where we work at (so petty) and ever since then the vibe between us is certainly off. All of us do shit we aren’t supposed to at this job if I’m being quite honest and we all have an understanding for the most part, but last night she definitely took/was taking pictures of me (which is how the aforementioned supervisor was aware of me) and she’s definitely clocking me at work🤦‍️ I’m not sure how I should go about it or what I should say or do.

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