
picking who to hired is payed favoritism

I recently applied for a job that would have been a really good fit for me. It didn't pay a ton so I probably would have had to turn my current job into a side hustle but I'm fine with that. I got my current gig because at the time I was single and cared more about fun and flexibility than money, now I have a family and money is more important. anyways I apply for this job that i'm confident I'm one of the most qualified people around for I get an interview and the interview goes great I really feel like they like me and all of my answers, they also specifically mention how much they love the lady at the company who referred me so that cant hurt either. I leave the interview very confident. But after about a week I get the call that they have…

I recently applied for a job that would have been a really good fit for me. It didn't pay a ton so I probably would have had to turn my current job into a side hustle but I'm fine with that. I got my current gig because at the time I was single and cared more about fun and flexibility than money, now I have a family and money is more important. anyways I apply for this job that i'm confident I'm one of the most qualified people around for I get an interview and the interview goes great I really feel like they like me and all of my answers, they also specifically mention how much they love the lady at the company who referred me so that cant hurt either. I leave the interview very confident. But after about a week I get the call that they have decided to go with someone else. the Hiring manager lets slip that it was an internal hire while i'm on the phone with her. there are two people at the who work at the department I applied for and I know it's neither of them because they were on the interview panel. Now I may be jumping to conclusions cause maybe another employee had some hidden talents, but that sounds to me like the boss just picked a friend. I would be the first to say one of the people working in the department deserved a promotion before i deserve the job, but if it's someone without any experience or expertise that's a little more disappointing. Really i'm not mad though. that's just the way the world works. who you know is always more important than anything on your resume.

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