
Planet fitness sucks

Not a throwaway but I don't care if they find this. I work as a trainer at planet fitness in the Midwest, (It's basically a franchise so it may not apply to all PF's) and I hate the way this company works. My position was removed during lock-down and only brought back about a year ago, since then they have basically drastically limited and reduced the services I'm able to provide to members. Without getting to deep into the details I'm only able to offer 2 types of classes and at average am only really supposed to meet with clients about one time. I'm make basically 14 an hour with no commission (planet fitness is to good for that) and minimum in my state is 12:80. An average trainer in my state makes average about 20 from what I've seen on indeed or the option for commission. All that out…

Not a throwaway but I don't care if they find this.
I work as a trainer at planet fitness in the Midwest, (It's basically a franchise so it may not apply to all PF's) and I hate the way this company works.
My position was removed during lock-down and only brought back about a year ago, since then they have basically drastically limited and reduced the services I'm able to provide to members. Without getting to deep into the details I'm only able to offer 2 types of classes and at average am only really supposed to meet with clients about one time. I'm make basically 14 an hour with no commission (planet fitness is to good for that) and minimum in my state is 12:80. An average trainer in my state makes average about 20 from what I've seen on indeed or the option for commission.
All that out of the way our DM (district manager) asked my manager to come up with what we think a raise should be. I worked my butt of writing this professional paper comparing wage and competitive pay in our area and state (my first mistake) and after talking to her about it was told it “wasn't what she was looking for”. She wanted just competitive wages in gyms for entry level position when literally everyone is being underpaid.
I'm just pissed. There is a big disconnect between the management at PF and the working people. You aren't backed by management on anything because “member experience is most important”. Getting verbally assaulted for asking for tanning goggles and stuff thrown at you for just doing your job and if the member complains it's your fault for making them unhappy.
I can't enforce standards because we don't want to make guests uncomfortable but have to try anyways, make terrible pay, and have had my position undervalued and appreciated to no end. I'm certified like any other trainer anywhere else, yet under paid because they don't utilize me the same as other companies.
Whatever. Thanks for coming to my rant. Screw planet fitness

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