
Please have an open mind

We are all getting screwed. The federal reserve and the central banks control everything and we work for their corporations that exploit us and take advantage of us. They (federal reserve and central banks organizations like black rock and citadel) print money out of thin air to buy things like equities and mortgage back securities which make the rich richer and the poor poor simultaneously increasing inflation because that’s what inflation is the increase in money supply. Inflation is the most regressive tax there is (helps rich hurts poor) and it is why there is a cost of living crisis right now and nobody can afford gas and food plus housing which is artificially inflated like I explained by the federal reserve printing money and buying mortgage back securities.The only way to stop inflation is to have sound money that is backed by something such as gold and silver. I…

We are all getting screwed. The federal reserve and the central banks control everything and we work for their corporations that exploit us and take advantage of us. They (federal reserve and central banks organizations like black rock and citadel) print money out of thin air to buy things like equities and mortgage back securities which make the rich richer and the poor poor simultaneously increasing inflation because that’s what inflation is the increase in money supply. Inflation is the most regressive tax there is (helps rich hurts poor) and it is why there is a cost of living crisis right now and nobody can afford gas and food plus housing which is artificially inflated like I explained by the federal reserve printing money and buying mortgage back securities.The only way to stop inflation is to have sound money that is backed by something such as gold and silver. I know I sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist but I just hope some people try and realize they control us because they control the money printing Presses which they used to funnel money to all their criminal cohorts. We will all be slaves to the system until this ends. #BuyPhysicalSilver. I love all you and I hope that we can beat the system and have a just/fair scociety where we aren’t exploited like animals and slaves. Watch out for central bank digital currencies a.k.a. CBDCs They are about to shut down the gig economy completely so you have to work for a corporation it is complete bullshit and everyone should be outraged! They will be issued in within the year or next year

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