
Poor treatment/management is usually what pushes you to quit, but what made you start to think/feel like it was time to go before that?

I used to work for an insurance company that represents Municipalities (Cities, Townships, Counties etc.). I handled property claims but other adjusters handled liability claims which would include police abuse, police shootings, wrongful death etc. When we would do what's called a roundtable discussion of all the adjusters we would always talk about a claim regarding a police killing (shootings, brutality or in jail). A lot of times it's cheaper and for the Municipality in the best political intreat, to settle out of court and admit no wrong doing. I get that it's the adjuster's job to investigate and try to respove the claim as cheap and timely as possible. But it always made me angry how my colleagues would reinforce stereotypes of poor people and of course of other races. When I would be asked my thoughts I would try to be unbias and not let my personal or…

I used to work for an insurance company that represents Municipalities (Cities, Townships, Counties etc.). I handled property claims but other adjusters handled liability claims which would include police abuse, police shootings, wrongful death etc.

When we would do what's called a roundtable discussion of all the adjusters we would always talk about a claim regarding a police killing (shootings, brutality or in jail). A lot of times it's cheaper and for the Municipality in the best political intreat, to settle out of court and admit no wrong doing.

I get that it's the adjuster's job to investigate and try to respove the claim as cheap and timely as possible. But it always made me angry how my colleagues would reinforce stereotypes of poor people and of course of other races.

When I would be asked my thoughts I would try to be unbias and not let my personal or political beliefs known. However, during the summer of 2020 it became too much especially as a Latino man and father of Black Sons and someone who has been pulled over for bogus reasons on the regular it was hard for me to be quiet being one of the only people of color in the company.

I started to feel like I was contributing to the problem and it made me feel depressed. I started to casually look for a new job but stayed for another year and when they hired a new manager for my team she gave me those I have to clean house vibes and then we had a roundtable about a very controversial case and she spewed every right wing and qanon talking point possible.

I put my two weeks in while I was interviewing because I couldn't work for her our my department manager between the way they talk about these people and treated the people of color on my company and how I was passed up for a promotion and raise after doing that job for a year.

When i had my day I felt proud and I felt morally free and no longer felt like I have to bite my tongue about certain issues.

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