
Post Anti-Work Advice? Anti-Work Limbo?

I’m relatively new to Reddit in general and only heard about this sub through the news and then checking it out for myself. Researching for myself I think what I initially believed was wrong and I’m getting the point of the levels of labour inequality and inequity and generally the reason why people want to avoid this capitalist rat race. I personally didn’t think I felt as strongly about this as I thought I did until reading this sub, I felt as though I was making moral excuses for my own laziness before realising I was uncomfortable working so hard for someone else’s bottom line as opposed to my own. I’m lucky and privileged enough to have been able to turn several years of decent earnings in my early twenties into solid investments providing me with a more than acceptable living wage before I am going to turn thirty. Now,…

I’m relatively new to Reddit in general and only heard about this sub through the news and then checking it out for myself. Researching for myself I think what I initially believed was wrong and I’m getting the point of the levels of labour inequality and inequity and generally the reason why people want to avoid this capitalist rat race.

I personally didn’t think I felt as strongly about this as I thought I did until reading this sub, I felt as though I was making moral excuses for my own laziness before realising I was uncomfortable working so hard for someone else’s bottom line as opposed to my own.

I’m lucky and privileged enough to have been able to turn several years of decent earnings in my early twenties into solid investments providing me with a more than acceptable living wage before I am going to turn thirty.
Now, I have no idea what to do next. I’m not in employment nor qualified or trained to do the type of career I would legitimately enjoy, I will need to progress financially over the years but save for the investments already made there are almost no opportunities in my City that don’t make things worse for people. All projects taking investment are essentially pushing people in government housing will be moved out, buying to rent is already destroying the cost of living and quality of life for my peers. A lot of other opportunities require a massive entry fee or are higher risk as opposed to hands on, and most of the tech startups and other similar new orgs are parisitic in nature. Crypto as of late has been extremely volatile and the regular stock market is almost exclusively conducive to supporting the companies you have the least real world support for. I truly feel supporting such major bad actors and actions in the perpetuation of this rat race I’d cease to be honest about myself. I wouldn’t feel like I did my own thing without adding to the problem and on some levels that might be a major self image issue I want to avoid dealing with.

Note: The opportunities I have found have been of these natures I’m not implying that all these businesses are the same.

Honestly I just want an idea of what people do next or in this position so I have another train of thought to reference. I’d like to be successful in my thirties without being part of the same tide that’s ruining quality of life everywhere. I’ve run out of ways to continue doing that.

TLDR: I managed to escape the 9-5 to be in a position to be comfortable but have only negative to society options of advancing. What do people do post-anti-work?

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