
Post-Brexit Worker Power

This is quite a UK centric post so apologies to our American friends. I understand there are many other reasons to be upset by Brexit but why are so many people upset that it has caused a worker shortage in various industries? Yes there are many nationalist reasons behind the backing of Brexit but there is one big socialist one too! For the first time in years we've been handed power to negotiate salaries in our favour and move companies at will. The governor of the Bank of England stated that the shrinkage of the labour force is “contributing to inflationary pressure due to difficulty of recruiting” and “increases the risk that the inflation that has come to us from abroad gets embedded” This is a very backhanded way of saying we need to import cheap labour to keep the wages of the poor down. So why on earth are…

This is quite a UK centric post so apologies to our American friends.

I understand there are many other reasons to be upset by Brexit but why are so many people upset that it has caused a worker shortage in various industries? Yes there are many nationalist reasons behind the backing of Brexit but there is one big socialist one too!

For the first time in years we've been handed power to negotiate salaries in our favour and move companies at will.

The governor of the Bank of England stated that the shrinkage of the labour force is “contributing to inflationary pressure due to difficulty of recruiting” and “increases the risk that the inflation that has come to us from abroad gets embedded”

This is a very backhanded way of saying we need to import cheap labour to keep the wages of the poor down.

So why on earth are people calling for the return of free movement of people. All we'd be doing is handing back that power on a plate to the corporations!

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