
Post Firing Update

So last Tuesday I got fired. Original post can be seen here here: So after much deliberation I have decided not to go back to work. Perhaps I was in a better situation than most, because I had some money left and my savings. I also have access to the land I am about to mention. So I found a used RV on Craigslist for 5,000. I had moved out to the country (30 minutes to closest grocery store kind of country) for this job, which fired me. I have been worried sick about what to do as far as housing and future employment. I suppose I am also lucky as I am single and don't have any children. So I decided to pick up this RV Monday. I plan on doing odd jobs as needed (mostly farm labor, manual labor for family friends.) I'm going to start a…

So last Tuesday I got fired. Original post can be seen here here:

So after much deliberation I have decided not to go back to work. Perhaps I was in a better situation than most, because I had some money left and my savings. I also have access to the land I am about to mention.

So I found a used RV on Craigslist for 5,000. I had moved out to the country (30 minutes to closest grocery store kind of country) for this job, which fired me.

I have been worried sick about what to do as far as housing and future employment. I suppose I am also lucky as I am single and don't have any children. So I decided to pick up this RV Monday. I plan on doing odd jobs as needed (mostly farm labor, manual labor for family friends.)

I'm going to start a garden this weekend. I also plan on getting some chickens and rabbits.

I have a generator with 30a hookup that I brought with me from my previous house. I will use that if I need electric/AC during the summer.

I guess technically since I will be on property my parents own, I'm kind of mooching. But there is alot of space out here (100 acres.) I will not using any of their resources, and I will be able to help them more as my mother is disabled and my father is ageing out of the workforce (He retires in a year.) This is not what I had planned for my life at 37. But I'm trying to make the most of it.

I thought coming out here would give me a good opportunity to spend more time with them and escape the rat race. Well, what better way to do it then just not going back to it?

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