
Posted about a 30 – 32 hour work week.

I'm posting this here cause I know everyone here will understand. We all complain about baby boomers believe work needs to be reformed. But what about those select idiots in the millennial generation and younger who were groomed by capitalists? I mean generation doesn't mugger here in this case. A party up for vote is offering a 4 day work week but still at 40 hours. 4, 10 hour days. I dont want 10 hour days as a standard it's ridiculous. But anyways my point is anywhere I'd post about a 32 – 30 hour work week these guys have an excuse as to why working this long is so important or some shotty comment like it can't be figured out. “We'd have to take a 20% pay cut so no” “Why not increase wage by 20% above a living wage? You would rather 20% less life to live for…

I'm posting this here cause I know everyone here will understand.

We all complain about baby boomers believe work needs to be reformed. But what about those select idiots in the millennial generation and younger who were groomed by capitalists? I mean generation doesn't mugger here in this case.

A party up for vote is offering a 4 day work week but still at 40 hours. 4, 10 hour days.
I dont want 10 hour days as a standard it's ridiculous.

But anyways my point is anywhere I'd post about a 32 – 30 hour work week these guys have an excuse as to why working this long is so important or some shotty comment like it can't be figured out.

“We'd have to take a 20% pay cut so no”
“Why not increase wage by 20% above a living wage? You would rather 20% less life to live for 20% more pay?”
“Things will get too expensive if we increase 20% wage”
“What about a new law that caps generated profits?”
“How will the stores survive?”
“I don't know but generating 20,000 last year today shouldn't mean this year today you have to generate more than that for one.”

This is just one example theres tons more in fact more than us out in the world theyve adjusted like sheep., I like to pass the time as much as the next guy and be distracted till due dates come out for stuff I like. It still needs to be fair and equal trades not by the capital standards and policy but by us since we sign a contract that's “standard”
But everytime I say I feel like I hate the world I wish there was less work to do and we were not binded by policy like slaves and mandated with rules for breaks and a rule over your time or risk losing a job.
Bad management acting like they own you actually scratch that most places even good management assuming they completely own you during your 8 hour shift.
Mandated evolving job descriptions.
Stuff like the rounding clock becoming a mainstream thing for employers to profit an extra half hour off you and steal it from you.
They care about you stealing their time but they don't care to steal yours.

But seriously even in our gen being treated like slaves and wage slaving away with terrible offers and professionalism ruling our lives.
I dont want to not work I just want to work 1 day less, 5 out of 7 seems unfair and the 5 entire days are already write offs to just sleep eat and work. Including commute, cooking, cleaning and other various tasks needed to function and show up to a job.

But being shot down by people younger then me who'd rather 20% more pay than 20% more life to spend with wife, kids and your own hobby so your not left with 1 day a week after errand day to actually relax, makes me so anxious and confused for my child's future and her work world how this won't change like it didn't for us in 100 years.

Why the government can't just fix this and let these select few stil work 5 days at 40 hours and give the 4 day 32 hours enough money to live, those working 5 days will obviously profit a full 8 hours of disposable income a week, seems to me like is the only solution to those who fell for the growing up trap.

Just like during lockdowns people can't sit infront of a TV and catch up on shows or just straight up sleep and do nothing and enjoy themselves anymore.
They wanna work or have everything they want and more.

I just don't understand why there isn't alot more people on our side sick of being whipped for nothing and living in constant fear of hours and pay.

TL;DR: idiots want to work more then live more life and there's a bigger majority then us that seems to think as an absolute there is no solution for compromise on the work world and its annoying. Opinion is opinion their entitled to it as I am but there's more pro-work then anti-work even if you explained how much more fair a 4 day work week is.

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