
Potential Employers completely ignoring your salary requirements/availability..

Applied for a part time position for bookkeeper on indeed, min salary $20 max $28. Had 2 interviews, each about 1 hour and got a call yesterday saying I had gotten the job.. great! Manager tells me it’s going to be 30 hours a week ( while I had said I could only work 20-25 due to having another job/commitment) and lowballs the shit out of me. First interview I get asked what is my desired salary, I said $28/hr ( I currently get paid $30/hr at my other job). She offers me $23. Wtf! This is not the first time an employer does this. Why waste my timeeeeee??

Applied for a part time position for bookkeeper on indeed, min salary $20 max $28. Had 2 interviews, each about 1 hour and got a call yesterday saying I had gotten the job.. great! Manager tells me it’s going to be 30 hours a week ( while I had said I could only work 20-25 due to having another job/commitment) and lowballs the shit out of me. First interview I get asked what is my desired salary, I said $28/hr ( I currently get paid $30/hr at my other job). She offers me $23. Wtf! This is not the first time an employer does this. Why waste my timeeeeee??

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