
Predatory Recruiter

Had a recruiter reach out on LinkedIn. Typical spammy type “I have a great opportunity (something I’m grossly unqualified for), you interested?” I select the ignore button since it’s not worth my time. Guy messaged me again saying if I’m not interested he would like me to help him find candidates who may be. Mind you, this company is thousands of miles away from where I work and live. I, again, ignore the message. A week later the guy calls me and leaves a grumpy voicemail about how he’d appreciate a call back and my referrals. My number is not listed on LinkedIn, so he obviously went through the trouble of finding me. Again, I ignored him. THEN, a week later my desk phone rings. I didn’t pick up in time and got a voicemail. Nobody calls our landlines since covid. Checked the voicemail. IT WAS THE RECRUITER with another…

Had a recruiter reach out on LinkedIn. Typical spammy type “I have a great opportunity (something I’m grossly unqualified for), you interested?” I select the ignore button since it’s not worth my time. Guy messaged me again saying if I’m not interested he would like me to help him find candidates who may be. Mind you, this company is thousands of miles away from where I work and live. I, again, ignore the message. A week later the guy calls me and leaves a grumpy voicemail about how he’d appreciate a call back and my referrals. My number is not listed on LinkedIn, so he obviously went through the trouble of finding me. Again, I ignored him. THEN, a week later my desk phone rings. I didn’t pick up in time and got a voicemail. Nobody calls our landlines since covid. Checked the voicemail. IT WAS THE RECRUITER with another grumpy message. I work for a small engineering company, so I was worried he went through administrative staff to reach me. I’m extremely happy with my job and don’t want them to think I’m leaving. He didn’t. He took the time to go through the directory. Absolutely disgusting on his part. Leave me alone. It is not my job to refer people to you. He is the recruiter. I owe him nothing.

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