
Preferred wage rate?

Looking at my budget and financial plans I tried to see what wage would work with what I wanted and came to $21hr (USD) I’d be okay with that considering it’s a bit high compared to what most people in my field get but low for what I think my skill set is worth. Anyway getting myself ready to ask for a wage increase in a few months if another job I was planning on doesn’t work out, what wage would you want from your work to consider it good enough for the life you want?

Looking at my budget and financial plans I tried to see what wage would work with what I wanted and came to $21hr (USD) I’d be okay with that considering it’s a bit high compared to what most people in my field get but low for what I think my skill set is worth. Anyway getting myself ready to ask for a wage increase in a few months if another job I was planning on doesn’t work out, what wage would you want from your work to consider it good enough for the life you want?

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