
Pretty sure last employer lied in TWC investigation

I filed for unemployment because I was fired for talking about my pay, due to me being taken advantage of, as well as threatened many times while being medically discharged with documented proof/ as well as overall threatened on a basis in texts to which my GM would apologize for. I have text message proof, however in my letter from the TWC, despite being able to be paid benefits, it said in their investigation it was concluded I was let go due to management change. (Which is is true, we went from corporate to franchise.) however the reasoning is 100% different from the truth. Would it be worth it to appeal the claim despite being able to get payed out? I don’t feel comfortable with the reasoning I was let go from a 3 year job because the owner has a tendency to lie as well as admitting that he…

I filed for unemployment because I was fired for talking about my pay, due to me being taken advantage of, as well as threatened many times while being medically discharged with documented proof/ as well as overall threatened on a basis in texts to which my GM would apologize for. I have text message proof, however in my letter from the TWC, despite being able to be paid benefits, it said in their investigation it was concluded I was let go due to management change. (Which is is true, we went from corporate to franchise.) however the reasoning is 100% different from the truth. Would it be worth it to appeal the claim despite being able to get payed out? I don’t feel comfortable with the reasoning I was let go from a 3 year job because the owner has a tendency to lie as well as admitting that he “threatens people, and fires them, because “they always come back” (high turnover rate.)

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