
Previous company wants me back and current company may have lost my respect abit?

First post ever, be nice don’t share this etc So I am going to be super vague about industries but wouldn’t mind some advice- I work at a place that I started working at for the benefits- I took a pay cut to work here, the environment isn’t great but the hours are good and it’s fine. I took the job because they offered great maternity leave and I was planning on having another baby (they knew I was planning on having a baby when they hired me). After a year of working I went off and had my baby and I’m just over halfway through my maternity leave. Now for context I’m pretty loyal, I worked at my last company for over 10 years with one break midway through to try a different career angle and then they hired me back when that workplace became super toxic. And then…

First post ever, be nice don’t share this etc

So I am going to be super vague about industries but wouldn’t mind some advice- I work at a place that I started working at for the benefits- I took a pay cut to work here, the environment isn’t great but the hours are good and it’s fine. I took the job because they offered great maternity leave and I was planning on having another baby (they knew I was planning on having a baby when they hired me). After a year of working I went off and had my baby and I’m just over halfway through my maternity leave.
Now for context I’m pretty loyal, I worked at my last company for over 10 years with one break midway through to try a different career angle and then they hired me back when that workplace became super toxic. And then I left for this current job which they understood because it was for my family. Anyway, I’m on mat leave and my old workplace called me once again asking if I’d consider coming back to them after my mat leave- this would give me a pay bump (that our household desperately needs in these weird economic times) and flexible hours but I’d have to work in a company that defs took my loyalty for granted and kind of mistreated my willingness to help as well as working with some toxic upper management. I was not really considering it because I didn’t want to take advantage of my current workplace and then bail, but then I got an email from my current boss (I was ccd in) asking my supervisor to ask me to come into a meeting to discuss a project I handed over almost seven months ago because it’s now having budget problems. It feels like they are looking for someone to blame. They don’t know I see these emails as I’m on mat leave and I am not responding unless someone calls and asks me (no idea how to say no politely) but it feels like a massive overreach to ask someone on mat leave to come to a meeting for a project they haven’t been engaged in in 7 months. Anyway now I’m wondering if taking the job with better pay might be better?
For context I have spoken to my current supervisor about the over budget project while I’ve been on mat leave when he’s called me with questions and provided good handover notes before I left. So I didn’t leave them high and dry.

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