
programmed guilt

I found what seems to be a very good job for me personally. I haven't started yet and I had to let the guy know that I had a few dental and Dr appointments coming up. He seemed a little annoyed but was ok with it. But I felt this quilt or something about having to ask off before I start due to appointments I have to be at (mental health is my priority). I don't want to look like a bullshitter, but like I said, my immediate mental and physical health is top priority and I feel like we have been programmed to feel guilty about this.

I found what seems to be a very good job for me personally. I haven't started yet and I had to let the guy know that I had a few dental and Dr appointments coming up. He seemed a little annoyed but was ok with it. But I felt this quilt or something about having to ask off before I start due to appointments I have to be at (mental health is my priority). I don't want to look like a bullshitter, but like I said, my immediate mental and physical health is top priority and I feel like we have been programmed to feel guilty about this.

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