
Progression meeting

So I had a ‘progression meeting’ at work the other day with my manager. For context I’m a supervisor and have been there for just over a year. After her saying I have had too many absences for this year so far (4 this year – 3 being due to mental health issues) she asks if she can say something ‘off the record’. She then goes on to ask me about the anti depressants I’m taking and asks if I think they are a good idea. I ask what she means and she says that when she had depression (?) she instead decided to choose to just be happy! And that maybe that’s the route I should take instead. I tell her that my depression is inherited and not necessarily due to anything in particular and she said ‘yes but I wouldn’t let that define me’. Wtf?! People can’t just…

So I had a ‘progression meeting’ at work the other day with my manager. For context I’m a supervisor and have been there for just over a year.
After her saying I have had too many absences for this year so far (4 this year – 3 being due to mental health issues) she asks if she can say something ‘off the record’.
She then goes on to ask me about the anti depressants I’m taking and asks if I think they are a good idea.
I ask what she means and she says that when she had depression (?) she instead decided to choose to just be happy! And that maybe that’s the route I should take instead.
I tell her that my depression is inherited and not necessarily due to anything in particular and she said ‘yes but I wouldn’t let that define me’.

Wtf?! People can’t just choose to not be depressed. Pretty sure she broke some rules by telling me to stop taking my medication right?

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