
Project Managers are complete idiots

be me, software developer at a large corporation team of 7 developers + 1 project manager we go over the project we will be working on, pm asks all the wrong questions, expose himself as an utter moron and a clueless hack proceeds to set unrealistic deadlines proceeds to assign 3 weeks time estimates to write 2 design documents and 4 days (!!!) for the implementation of the fucking thing, the actual work assigns 2 people to do no work, 1 guy to do the work of 4 “sorry I'm not from a technical background” 5 developers sitting idle while 2 resolve “dependencies”, literally what a project manager is supposed to prevent uses intimidating and degrading language, “I hope you guys understand that by Monday this should be out the door, do not embarrass me” Project managers are a bad meme and they need to be culled

be me, software developer at a large corporation

team of 7 developers + 1 project manager

we go over the project we will be working on, pm asks all the wrong questions, expose himself as an utter moron and a clueless hack

proceeds to set unrealistic deadlines

proceeds to assign 3 weeks time estimates to write 2 design documents and 4 days (!!!) for the implementation of the fucking thing, the actual work

assigns 2 people to do no work, 1 guy to do the work of 4

“sorry I'm not from a technical background”

5 developers sitting idle while 2 resolve “dependencies”, literally what a project manager is supposed to prevent

uses intimidating and degrading language, “I hope you guys understand that by Monday this should be out the door, do not embarrass me”

Project managers are a bad meme and they need to be culled

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