
Promises broken – how to respond?

After two years of very good and problem-free cooperation, the company decided that the company would be handed over to a third party to run. My line manager broke down at this news and I assured him without hesitation that I would handle everything with him and switch off together the lights. I kept this promise. ​ Since then, almost two years ago, I first heard from my line manager that he was only available in a package with me. He forgot that just a few weeks later and quickly secured a C-level job in another company in the group. The air has been thick between us ever since. Months later, I also got a position, but only because there was an internal reshuffle and a position had to be filled at short notice. It was clear that this position had an expiry date, and I kept hearing the line…

After two years of very good and problem-free cooperation, the company decided that the company would be handed over to a third party to run. My line manager broke down at this news and I assured him without hesitation that I would handle everything with him and switch off together the lights. I kept this promise.

Since then, almost two years ago, I first heard from my line manager that he was only available in a package with me. He forgot that just a few weeks later and quickly secured a C-level job in another company in the group. The air has been thick between us ever since. Months later, I also got a position, but only because there was an internal reshuffle and a position had to be filled at short notice. It was clear that this position had an expiry date, and I kept hearing the line manager tell me that he was looking out for me everywhere and asking around. However, I don't realise any of this, except that he recently gave me notice.

I'm now in my notice period until end of year (Europe) and we still have a few things to sort out. Even now, he still writes to me “I'll offer you a hand if there's a possible internal position or if you need any other support…” There has now been no offer or other real support from my line manager for two years. I'm not surprised. But it annoys me that he keeps writing this.

What would be an appropriate response to a lack of support?

Thank you all

(sorry for my english – not my mother tongue)

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