

I have a story from about 2016ish when I worked as a keyholder at GameStop. I was applying for the Assistant Store Management position at my store because it was up for grabs. I was told, in not so many words, that my mental health wasn't really allowing me to be suitable for the job. So they hired someone else, from within the company, just a different location, to be the new ASM. I just had to train him because he was from the position BELOW me. I had to train him to do MY job, and then the job that I was more qualified to do. So I trained him, put in my two weeks, and left at the height of Christmas season. See ya suckers. My DM actually came in and asked me to stay because my presence at the store brought in a ton of sales. (I'm…

I have a story from about 2016ish when I worked as a keyholder at GameStop. I was applying for the Assistant Store Management position at my store because it was up for grabs. I was told, in not so many words, that my mental health wasn't really allowing me to be suitable for the job. So they hired someone else, from within the company, just a different location, to be the new ASM. I just had to train him because he was from the position BELOW me. I had to train him to do MY job, and then the job that I was more qualified to do. So I trained him, put in my two weeks, and left at the height of Christmas season. See ya suckers. My DM actually came in and asked me to stay because my presence at the store brought in a ton of sales. (I'm a female and in a gaming store like that, it really counts for something.) I said no thanks, but glad you like me I guess. Left and never looked back.

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