
Providence Medical Group blacklisted my fiancé and our unborn child because I’m suing them.

If you read my last post you’d have some back story as to why I’m suing Providence (defamation, personal damages, and soon-to-be wrongful termination), but that’s all besides the point. My fiancé is 8 months pregnant and we went in for our 36 week check up this last Monday. Everything was going fine until her OB measured her cute ass bump and noticed that it was smaller than it should be. The OB checked and rechecked to compare it to her last pregnancy, and then we had a quick ultrasound to check on baby and make sure they’re still alive and well. The baby appeared fine but her OB was visibly worried and requested that she be seen ASAP at one of my old clinics (High Risk Pregnancy, formerly Maternal Fetal Medicine) for a growth ultrasound with dopplers (to check on blood flow). Her OB knows that I help manage…

If you read my last post you’d have some back story as to why I’m suing Providence (defamation, personal damages, and soon-to-be wrongful termination), but that’s all besides the point.

My fiancé is 8 months pregnant and we went in for our 36 week check up this last Monday. Everything was going fine until her OB measured her cute ass bump and noticed that it was smaller than it should be. The OB checked and rechecked to compare it to her last pregnancy, and then we had a quick ultrasound to check on baby and make sure they’re still alive and well.

The baby appeared fine but her OB was visibly worried and requested that she be seen ASAP at one of my old clinics (High Risk Pregnancy, formerly Maternal Fetal Medicine) for a growth ultrasound with dopplers (to check on blood flow).

Her OB knows that I help manage that clinic and he asked me if I could pull some strings and get her in quick. So I called and spoke with one of my receptionists and she put me on hold as soon as she realized who I was… then the call dropped. Okay… no big deal, I’ll have my fiancé call and try again. This time my fiancé gets through, get’s placed on hold, and finally get’s scheduled for April 5th. Keep in mind this was March 28th, in my soon-to-be-father-mind that was and is NOT an ASAP appointment.

So we had my fiancé’s OB call and request an earlier appointment, which was denied. Assholes.

So what’d we do? Well fortunately my fiancé also works for Providence and has the ability to view the schedule and any possible openings at High Risk Pregnancy. So, when she saw an opening on Tuesday March 29th she called in, asking if we could be moved to that slot. She was put on hold, told that that spot was being held for someone else (it wasn’t at the time it was completely open), then they hung up on her and my fiancé watched them place a hold in the schedule.

My fiancé can’t believe it. She calls back again March 30th (a Wednesday) because she saw TWO openings for March 31st and was once again denied scheduling for the same reason, those spots were being held for someone else.

Now, god bless her heart, my fiancé decides to tell them how it is. She tells the receptionist that she can’t help but feel like she is being blacklisted from getting an earlier appointment because of who her baby daddy is, and she decides to joking tell the receptionist, “What if ______ (me, the OP) doesn’t come in for the appointment? Then could we get our baby’s growth and blood flow checked?”

Once that offer was made the Providence team immediately changed their tone and attitude and scheduled my fiancé for a growth/dopps. What’s worse is that the opening was at 14:30 at our main location (Sacred Heart Hospital) but the Providence team called and moved a patient from our Holy Family Hospital location (a satellite clinic) to Sacred Heart Hospital to create an opening at our satellite clinic just in case I showed up. They didn’t want me coming to the main office.

Providence HR won’t talk to me anymore because they are busy consulting with their legal team and they refuse to go on the record and be recorded in any way shape or form. I was also assaulted on Providence property by Providence security services. But that’s a story for next time.

I have lawyers, I will sue. I will take every god damned penny I can from these money-hungry pansies.

Thank you for reading, getting this off my chest helps me continue on. God bless each and everyone one of you. Peace be with you.

~A John Doe, Spokane Washington, United States

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