
PSA: If you’re living paycheck to paycheck, making 10k more isn’t a marginal gain, it’s like the difference between having nothing and having 10k a year after expenses.

So, if you are paycheck to paycheck on 40k, and you quit to make 50k, that 10k is far, far more valuable to you than making another 30k is to someone making 80k a year with the same expenses. Keep that in mind for how much more worth it even more modest increases in pay. Keep calm and quit your shitty job for a better one!

So, if you are paycheck to paycheck on 40k, and you quit to make 50k, that 10k is far, far more valuable to you than making another 30k is to someone making 80k a year with the same expenses.

Keep that in mind for how much more worth it even more modest increases in pay.

Keep calm and quit your shitty job for a better one!

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