
Pto denied for my best friends wedding

This was years ago when i worked for the post office as an rca/ptf. I put in an unpaid leave request, because rcas don’t get any pto, 10 months in advance because I’m going to be the best man at my best and oldest friends wedding. It’s 3 consecutive days i request off Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. There is an unwritten rule that if they don’t deny your request in 4 weeks you are good to go. Well 1 week before my time off my boss calls me in and says i have to deny your request for time off because 2 other people put in time off requests. Generally it’s first come first serve when it comes to time off, and i said as much. I put this request in almost a year in advance. Well family emergencies etc take precedence over me being the best man at my…

This was years ago when i worked for the post office as an rca/ptf.

I put in an unpaid leave request, because rcas don’t get any pto, 10 months in advance because I’m going to be the best man at my best and oldest friends wedding. It’s 3 consecutive days i request off Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. There is an unwritten rule that if they don’t deny your request in 4 weeks you are good to go. Well 1 week before my time off my boss calls me in and says i have to deny your request for time off because 2 other people put in time off requests. Generally it’s first come first serve when it comes to time off, and i said as much. I put this request in almost a year in advance. Well family emergencies etc take precedence over me being the best man at my best friends wedding. Ib told her I’d quit rather than not go, so figure it out. 4 days before my time off my boss tells me she can get me Saturday and Sunday but not Monday off and i walked the fuck out never to return. Didn’t sign any of her outgoing paperwork either. She spent the next 8 months trying to fire me (union wouldn’t let her without 6 months no show). She got fired soon there after.

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