
Quantification of Work and Life – Subjective vs. Objective.

Today, the biggest hurdle that nearly everyone is facing is what should the standard of pay be and amount of work put in to justify such a pay? On the extreme end of the spectrums, this question always falls into a dichotomy. Those who work too much for very little pay and those who do not work and let market forces generate income for them. We can also come to learn of this as generational wealth division. Everyone hustles, works but the perspective and reality at times is often very different – euphemism is a major part here. Some hustle for attention, adoration and prestige while others hustle for their next meal – basic necessities. Even the notion of basic necessities can mean differently to specific groups but of course for the sake of conformity and common sense, basic necessities usually means food, clothing and shelter. Here the ending is…

Today, the biggest hurdle that nearly everyone is facing is what should the standard of pay be and amount of work put in to justify such a pay?

On the extreme end of the spectrums, this question always falls into a dichotomy.

Those who work too much for very little pay and those who do not work and let market forces generate income for them.

We can also come to learn of this as generational wealth division.

Everyone hustles, works but the perspective and reality at times is often very different – euphemism is a major part here.

Some hustle for attention, adoration and prestige while others hustle for their next meal – basic necessities.

Even the notion of basic necessities can mean differently to specific groups but of course for the sake of conformity and common sense, basic necessities usually means food, clothing and shelter.

Here the ending is no different though in that ultimately – we all are waiting for that end of the day meal a.k.a., paycheck.

They say money is an IOU. A debt instrument. It is in fact not a credit. It is socialized loses. This is also why we are living through the most incredible extreme inflationary periods ever experienced by majority Earthlings today.

The core of any economic activity will always be supply and demand – or so they say. This is a hard truth in academia regardless of politics or philosophical beliefs.

But if supply and demand is the core of economic design…

Why do we have religion? It provides no monetary value and yet religion throughout human history is one of the, if not the, biggest driving force in terms of economic activities.

From the ancient crusades to grand buddhist monasteries to god kings who would give their all just to gain a foot into divine legacy – while in doing so bankrupting an entire nation.

Lunacy, insanity, self deceit, obsession? Extremism?

The imaginary ego, which is both a primitive driving force of humanity but also something that is largely untouchable and incomprehensible.

You can’t comprehend exceptionalism if you do not teach people to let go. This is not about loyalty of principle. It is about rationality.

Accountability. Another mysterious but long extinct character of our society.

There is nothing more fearsome and more dangerous than the insatiable greed – and currently that is the largest threat to human civilization.

Greed is not noble survival. It is a twisted form of addiction.

Out of greed is born the current inequality the most vulnerable are living through on this planet.

You can fear lack due to poverty therefore become micro-managing, calculative and stingy, but unjustifiable greed is violence, terror and evil.

This isn’t about quantification in the end because infinity is an ironic paradox.

Is there a way to lock down a standard wage and work balance?

I volunteer my time at the local food bank and also spend time with the homeless.

I have family members who also are part of the ultra wealthy elitist class.

I myself am part of the lower middle class but this here is where the problems begin.

Classification of society based on ability to waste. This is also one of the main reasons this planet is dying and no amount of monopoly money can save it.

Do you know what someone in poverty fears the most? Besides lack of basic necessities, they fear having no future. Incredible right?

Do you know what someone who is ultra wealthy fears the most? Besides never having to worry about basic necessities, they also fear having no future. Surprised? I am.

How do we even begin to understand all of this?

From the moment of birth, our mortality is the only real currency.

Thanks for reading my long rant 🥹

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