
Question about dealing with someone STONED at work.

Hey guys. I work as a food runner/expo in a pretty expensive resturaunt, and the other day I had to work with one of the most intolerable human beings I've ever met. Young, stoned out of his mind, and nearly refused to run food out, pretending his only job was doing expo. The worst part about this was, he was constantly fucking up, which made my job harder in order for me to not end up looking like the idiot, running out the wrong items to the wrong people. On top of it all, he wasn't even phased by the kitchen staff and I cursing at him as he fucked things up. He was seriously that stoned out of his mind, both days. All he spoke about was weed. That was all I heard out of his mouth, both days. Seemingly nobody has noticed, besides me, how god awful he…

Hey guys. I work as a food runner/expo in a pretty expensive resturaunt, and the other day I had to work with one of the most intolerable human beings I've ever met. Young, stoned out of his mind, and nearly refused to run food out, pretending his only job was doing expo.

The worst part about this was, he was constantly fucking up, which made my job harder in order for me to not end up looking like the idiot, running out the wrong items to the wrong people. On top of it all, he wasn't even phased by the kitchen staff and I cursing at him as he fucked things up. He was seriously that stoned out of his mind, both days. All he spoke about was weed. That was all I heard out of his mouth, both days.

Seemingly nobody has noticed, besides me, how god awful he is. Everyone complains about him, but working WITH him for me was so bad, I'm prepared to tell them I refuse to come in if he's on my shift. I don't know if there's something else I can do honestly.

I've worked here for 2 1/2 months now. They've had me train 2 people, and have told me directly that they prioritize me being there over anyone else. I feel like my word would matter about this, but despite that, I somehow feel bad. All my managers are almost too nice, to the point where it makes you feel bad complaining.

What would you do in this scenario? Putting up with him is not an option for me, I genuinely cannot stand working with someone who fucks up half of what he says and does. Should I tell them I won't come in? Should I just ask them to schedule us apart? Let me know your thoughts, and sorry for the long rant.

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