
question about wage discussion

A couple of hours ago one of my coworkers mentioned his hourly pay in passing and another coworker caught that he was making $2 more than her despite being here 6 months less. I am a supervisor so I may not be covered under the NLRA but I never mentioned my pay anyways (though after hearing his pay I 100% want a raise because he's making way too close to what I make considering I've been here 5 more years and am his supervisor but that's a whole other thing) But anyways, my question is about something I came across while reading more about wage discussions, it says it is unlawful for your employer to interrogate you about conversations concerning wages. Any idea what exactly interrogate entails? Not long after the discussion the woman who is making less called our boss upset and asking for more money even though it's…

A couple of hours ago one of my coworkers mentioned his hourly pay in passing and another coworker caught that he was making $2 more than her despite being here 6 months less. I am a supervisor so I may not be covered under the NLRA but I never mentioned my pay anyways (though after hearing his pay I 100% want a raise because he's making way too close to what I make considering I've been here 5 more years and am his supervisor but that's a whole other thing)

But anyways, my question is about something I came across while reading more about wage discussions, it says it is unlawful for your employer to interrogate you about conversations concerning wages. Any idea what exactly interrogate entails? Not long after the discussion the woman who is making less called our boss upset and asking for more money even though it's the end of the work day and I had told her to wait and calmly discuss it tomorrow. She was definitely unprofessional about it imo.

After she called the manager, the manager called and got the story of what happened from the newer coworker making more money, then called me and asked me what happened and how the topic came up. Seems weird because my female coworkers unprofessionalism doesn't concern me or my other coworker and had no impact on the wage discussion. Unless they just wanted to be sure I wasn't talking about my salary since I'm not really supposed to (though in my company supervisor barely means anything so I could be covered).

Sorry for the wall of text, just wanted some extra opinions and knowledge since I already know I'll be hearing about this tomorrow and these managers are awful. (I need a new job yesterday)

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