
Question About Work:Employer Says We Are Not Allow To Take Our 15 min Break in our Car.

State – California I work for a retail company(fairly large ) and they are basically saying that I as an employee can’t take my break in my car. My question is, Can your employer force you to stay on the premises during your 15 minute break or are you allowed to go to your car?(my employer is trying to say that we are not allowed to take breaks in our car). Thank you for any help if you guys can give me any.

State – California

I work for a retail company(fairly large ) and they are basically saying that I as an employee can’t take my break in my car. My question is, Can your employer force you to stay on the premises during your 15 minute break or are you allowed to go to your car?(my employer is trying to say that we are not allowed to take breaks in our car). Thank you for any help if you guys can give me any.

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