
Question about Workman’s Comp

Frequent flyer here. I am seeking some guidance on a situation that may be applicable to be compensated by Workman's Comp. ​ I work at a movie theatre in California. Today, an incident occurred in which a homeless man(that did not purchase a ticket, and therefore not considered a guest in the eyes of my workplace) punched an employee, and a dear friend of mine, in the back of the head, as we were attempting to have him vacate the premises. My employee and I are managers, and the duty is on us to remove unruly people from our building. We are essentially the first and only line of defense, basically. There is no security or anything to prevent unstable people from entering our theatre. We operate in a plaza that security used to patrol, but they no longer do and it has been that way for months. This has…

Frequent flyer here. I am seeking some guidance on a situation that may be applicable to be compensated by Workman's Comp.

I work at a movie theatre in California. Today, an incident occurred in which a homeless man(that did not purchase a ticket, and therefore not considered a guest in the eyes of my workplace) punched an employee, and a dear friend of mine, in the back of the head, as we were attempting to have him vacate the premises. My employee and I are managers, and the duty is on us to remove unruly people from our building. We are essentially the first and only line of defense, basically. There is no security or anything to prevent unstable people from entering our theatre. We operate in a plaza that security used to patrol, but they no longer do and it has been that way for months. This has led to an influx of traffic from overly-rowdy crowds, which has caused us trouble for a while now.

I am unsure as to how Workman's Comp works, but upon telling my GM about this they seemed adamant that the company would not compensate this employee for this injury. They only mentioned something or other about time off. This employee should be entitled to SOME sort of compensation, right? This injury was sustained at work, on the clock.

My question is: Would this employee be eligible for Workman's Compensation, or any other kind of compensation? Any help here?


Homeless man punched an employee at a movie theatre, I am wondering if they are eligible for Workman's Comp, or any kind of compensation.

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