
Question for people who have jobs that aren’t busy: What do you do all day?

I've seen a bunch of people in posts here and on other subs say that they have jobs with a lot of downtime, like in jobs that just aren't very busy, or people who telework and don't have close supervision, and even some who say they got jobs in a big company who hired them so to spend money it needed to spend but are never given any real work to do. I've never worked a job that had a lot of downtime like that so I'm curious how people spend their days on the job when not busy. I get bored SUPER easy and tend to get in trouble when I don't have things to do. How do y'all spend your work time in a situation like that?

I've seen a bunch of people in posts here and on other subs say that they have jobs with a lot of downtime, like in jobs that just aren't very busy, or people who telework and don't have close supervision, and even some who say they got jobs in a big company who hired them so to spend money it needed to spend but are never given any real work to do. I've never worked a job that had a lot of downtime like that so I'm curious how people spend their days on the job when not busy. I get bored SUPER easy and tend to get in trouble when I don't have things to do. How do y'all spend your work time in a situation like that?

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