
Question for the men on this sub- SAHM?

What are your opinions on stay at home moms? Here’s why I ask: I have been in the corporate world for a few years. Worked my ass off through undergrad and graduate school with multiple jobs, now working my ass off at my corporate job. I’m finding that I’m just not fulfilled spending most of my life working. I want to work just long enough to pay off the rest of my student loans and have a little in savings. At this point in my life, I would be so much more fulfilled working at home, raising a child, supporting my (future) husband with cleaning, food and laundry. The hours would be longer (24/7) and I would get paid, but my life would be complete because my efforts are going directly towards my goals (happy husband, well raised kids, nice home life). I want to have this conversation with my…

What are your opinions on stay at home moms? Here’s why I ask:

I have been in the corporate world for a few years. Worked my ass off through undergrad and graduate school with multiple jobs, now working my ass off at my corporate job. I’m finding that I’m just not fulfilled spending most of my life working. I want to work just long enough to pay off the rest of my student loans and have a little in savings. At this point in my life, I would be so much more fulfilled working at home, raising a child, supporting my (future) husband with cleaning, food and laundry. The hours would be longer (24/7) and I would get paid, but my life would be complete because my efforts are going directly towards my goals (happy husband, well raised kids, nice home life). I want to have this conversation with my bf of 3 years, but I’m afraid of seeming “lazy”. I’d be happy to get a part time job when the last kid goes to school for some extra cash and a hobby.

So, men, do you think wanting to be a stay at home mom in the future is “lazy”, or would you support a good wife wanting to do all the home work instead of supplementing the household income? I’m just curious what y’all think. Thanks!

Edit: thanks everyone! I’m already encouraged that I have the right attitude, and I will bring this up to my bf. I think it’s important he knows this is something I want before we get married. If I have to work, so be it. He’s more than worth it. But I will have the conversation to see if this is a goal he would like to have for our future family as well.

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