
Question to Americans

Hello! I follow this sub and I'm baffled by all posts about managers being asholes and people living paycheck to paycheck. I've seen posts about people making 50k+ a year but still live paycheck to paycheck? As I Swede this sounds shocking to me. I'm curious about what kind of expenses you have and how much they are. For example I pay 10$ total for insurances a month and have a rent at about 670$ in Stockholm Sweden. Groceries about 200$, public transportation 100$, in total my recurring expenses end up at about 1000$ (I share apartment with my so) so with my salary at about 44k I can live very comfortably and save between 1000-1500$ a month easily.


I follow this sub and I'm baffled by all posts about managers being asholes and people living paycheck to paycheck. I've seen posts about people making 50k+ a year but still live paycheck to paycheck? As I Swede this sounds shocking to me.

I'm curious about what kind of expenses you have and how much they are.

For example I pay 10$ total for insurances a month and have a rent at about 670$ in Stockholm Sweden. Groceries about 200$, public transportation 100$, in total my recurring expenses end up at about 1000$ (I share apartment with my so) so with my salary at about 44k I can live very comfortably and save between 1000-1500$ a month easily.

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