
Questioning the notions of “success” that some people attribute to capitalism

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to control the choices of people who want to live longer but when supporters of Capitalism claim its 'success on a universal standard' I have to say what is the point of people 'having a longer life expectancy' when ultimately that life does not really belong to them at all because they cannot live it to how they please or with accordance to their own definition of success in life? Especially with the factor of overpopulation in mind and the fact that everybody dies sooner or later in this universe? Its harsh to say this I know but every single person alive right now is going to grow old slowly, their body/brain is going to rot away and hurt bad, sometimes causing horrible conditions like dementia. In my opinion when people who voice support for Capitalism claim birth rate increase as a 'success',…

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to control the choices of people who want to live longer but when supporters of Capitalism claim its 'success on a universal standard' I have to say what is the point of people 'having a longer life expectancy' when ultimately that life does not really belong to them at all because they cannot live it to how they please or with accordance to their own definition of success in life?

Especially with the factor of overpopulation in mind and the fact that everybody dies sooner or later in this universe? Its harsh to say this I know but every single person alive right now is going to grow old slowly, their body/brain is going to rot away and hurt bad, sometimes causing horrible conditions like dementia.

In my opinion when people who voice support for Capitalism claim birth rate increase as a 'success', all I see is that a ton of people are going to be trapped on this planet having never lived a life that belonged to them at any one time and slowly rot away into soup/bone knowing that fact. Also for what purpose? Is it out of any respect for what makes people happy and for reasons other than their utilitarian value?

Ultimately I acknowledge everybody has their own definition of 'success' but Capitalism as it stands tries to claim its definition supersedes everybody's and that only they know whats best for you or what makes you happy.

Just putting it out there that this is incorrect and so are the laws based on their notion which ban all forms of living practices seen as 'uncivilised and not successful'.

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