
“Quiet quilting”

Can we all agree that quiet quitting isn't a real thing? Like since when has doing your job been not enough? I don't know what is going on in america but it seems to me like the employers are expecting more of the workers then they are willing to pay. Like just the words “quiet quitting” makes it seem like you are supposed to more then what you where hired to do. Its like just doing your work is looked down upon and I just don't get it. I mean like why are all these bosses and managers and the likes so horrible people, they should be trying to helps the workers and make a good working environment. Anyways I need to rant thanks for coming to my ted talk Hope all you americans can make it Edit: typos (sorry english is not my first language, and auto correct changed…

Can we all agree that quiet quitting isn't a real thing? Like since when has doing your job been not enough? I don't know what is going on in america but it seems to me like the employers are expecting more of the workers then they are willing to pay. Like just the words “quiet quitting” makes it seem like you are supposed to more then what you where hired to do. Its like just doing your work is looked down upon and I just don't get it. I mean like why are all these bosses and managers and the likes so horrible people, they should be trying to helps the workers and make a good working environment. Anyways I need to rant thanks for coming to my ted talk
Hope all you americans can make it

Edit: typos (sorry english is not my first language, and auto correct changed quitting to quilting)

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