
Quiet Quitting when you are the only employee

I have been following the anti work community for a while (lurking FTW). Recently the term quiet quitting has been a focal point and naturally I became pretty intrigued. For context, I work at a small law firm where it is literally my boss (attorney) and myself. We sometimes bring in “interns” for a couple months during the summer (all kids of families he knows through his church), otherwise it’s just me. And I absolutely hate my job.y boss is extremely conservative and very much subscribes to alt right conspiracy theories, he is a devout catholic and our firms practices based around his religion (I’m non religious but raised southern baptist) and he’s also very misogynistic (I am required to wear a dress or skirt, no pants, and I have to wear heels, no flats). He is also just terrible to work for, he is a micro manager that can’t…

I have been following the anti work community for a while (lurking FTW). Recently the term quiet quitting has been a focal point and naturally I became pretty intrigued. For context, I work at a small law firm where it is literally my boss (attorney) and myself. We sometimes bring in “interns” for a couple months during the summer (all kids of families he knows through his church), otherwise it’s just me. And I absolutely hate my job.y boss is extremely conservative and very much subscribes to alt right conspiracy theories, he is a devout catholic and our firms practices based around his religion (I’m non religious but raised southern baptist) and he’s also very misogynistic (I am required to wear a dress or skirt, no pants, and I have to wear heels, no flats). He is also just terrible to work for, he is a micro manager that can’t admit it. One breath he is critical of how I put stamps on envelopes, in the next I have to write a business plan for our firm. I do everything from answer phone calls to meetings with clients to appearing in court. I want to quiet quit and I have been much less engaged with my work for the past couple of years. But I want to do more. But I don’t know how to go about it when I’m literally the only employee. I don’t want my clients to suffer but I am so miserable. I struggle to get up everyday and I can feel my blood pressure rising as I get closer to my office every morning. What sort of ideas could I try to implement to quiet quit when I am the entire firm?

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