
Quit a job that I was setup to fail at

TLDR; get hired, boss ghosted me for a month, start with zero training and quit same day Title explains it all, was contacted by an auto parts store to come back to work, (full time Uber driver) and thought itd be nice to get back to a 9-5. Boy was I wrong. 1st red flag was the fact that I went in for an interview and the manager wasn't there. He just started vacation and neglected to let me know. Ok. So I have the district manager reach out to me afterwards and apologize for it, and decided to to a phone interview. It's not my first rodeo in this field so I can throw my weight around with boundaries, the dos and donts. No contacting outside of work, hourly wages, days off, want to be full time, etc. He agrees and straight up tells me that they are desperate…

TLDR; get hired, boss ghosted me for a month, start with zero training and quit same day

Title explains it all, was contacted by an auto parts store to come back to work, (full time Uber driver) and thought itd be nice to get back to a 9-5. Boy was I wrong.
1st red flag was the fact that I went in for an interview and the manager wasn't there. He just started vacation and neglected to let me know. Ok. So I have the district manager reach out to me afterwards and apologize for it, and decided to to a phone interview. It's not my first rodeo in this field so I can throw my weight around with boundaries, the dos and donts. No contacting outside of work, hourly wages, days off, want to be full time, etc. He agrees and straight up tells me that they are desperate and understaffed. 2nd red flag. But I chose to ignore it bc the pay was decent and accept his offer same day. I'm hired.
So. Fast forward. An entire month. I've already accepted the job and have been waiting for weeks to have someone reach out to me. I've done all the e-signature stuff. Come to find out I got hired as a part time. Oof. I call every couple days and hes always away or out of the store. I finally hear back from him and he says he's been trying to contact me but I don't answer. Maybe my spam blocked the number. I give him the benefit of doubt. Tells me to come in later that day. I remind him that the district manager agreed that I don't work Friday -sunday bc I Uber . He tells me in a annoyed tone that it's just to talk about the schedule. I tell him that's what we are doing now. He says he requires new people to come in. Whatever, I tell him I'm charging him for the time id I do and to add it to my payroll and hang up. The day comes and I stop by, in my casual dress, 5 panel, nose ring, tee and shorts and vans. Btw I'm a real poser, mall grab type but anyway. I ask for his name and he just looks at me like I had shit on my face. He says I'm not in dress code . And I kindly remind him that I'm not on the clock since he had such a hard time comprehending that I was gonna charge him for the visit. He brings me in the back and points to a note on a receipt someone wrote. It had my name and number. He asked what that was. I told him it's either a finger or a paper with my name and number, depending on your perspective. He looks at me and asks again what it is. I tell him if you have such a hard time reading that maybe this job isn't for you, because that's my name and number. He angrily says that he tried calling and calling but no answer. I tell him that I had no issue getting to the district manager so was confused as to why I couldn't contact him. I can tell that struck a nerve as he probably heard it from his boss. He then points to a calendar and asks again what days I can't work . I tell him the days and he asked why, and I told him it's bc I have another job that pays a lot more than this place, and I refused to work 39 hours as a part timer, more like 20. It was as if I stabbed a baby kitten and threw it into a trash compactor. He said that he doesn't want anyone who isn't dedicated on his team. Soo I asked him is there anything else or… He just stared and me and I told him to email me for the schedule. He calls me the day later and as I was up all night driving I sleep late into the day. I answered and he's asking why I didn't pick up. I groggily told him bc I was working my higher paying job last night and he doesn't pay me to be on call to answer my phone whenever he calls. He tells me that I am working with him at noon the next day and to be in uniform. I ask him to remind me what the uniform is and he says black shoes and pants and specific colored shirt. And I ask him when will I get said shirt. I can hear his confusion over the line as he tells me I should already have it . Like bro. I haven't even started yet, why would I have my uniform. Mind you, there's wasn't any order form they sent me or anything. So I tell him I'll come in my white t and he can figure it out when I get there.
Fast forward to today and I get there and he's nowhere to be seen. I introduce myself to the coworkers and tell them it's my first day. Ignored. Like turn their shoulder and go back to work. So I am just walking around trying to figure out how to clock in and somehow figure it out on a PC. Then one of them finally tells me to work a specific register and walks away. Bro. It's my FIRST DAY. How do they expect me to learn how to do anything. I say as much and get the cold shoulder again. My god we're they fucking busy. Like lines out the ass busy. I tell people to bear with me as it's my first day and surprisingly no one gave me any issues and we're super understanding. Mainly bc I'm good at what I do when it comes to customer service, I made sure that EVERYONE left with some form of a smile, and was lightening the mood. At least I thought. Until I helped a woman in this terrible heat fix her ac. Turned out that a relay tripped and swapped it for her. She was jumping up and down excited that she didn't have to go to a dealer bc she was on her way to one. I told her it was my first day and she said she wants to tell my manager that I did such a good job. Lol. She asked if we can take tips and I said idk but I do! I might as well have said I hoped all kids got cancer and died, bc all the employees looked at me as I took her cash and slipped it into my back pocket. Now. Here's where it turns ugly. About an hour later and the manager walks in and sees me and IMMEDIATELY yells at me asking why I wasn't in uniform. I snapped from all the stress and yell back at him asking how I'm his right mind would I get one on my first day. I tell him that he set me up to fail with absolutely zero training and he tells me to clock out until I fix my uniform and attitude. Huge shit eating grin comes across my face and I tell him ok, and I also learned how to clock out all by myself! So punch out and leave, and now I'm at a restaurant up the road from there and they're calling me and asking when I'm coming back. Funny part is that they don't realize that I didn't need this job, just something to free up my schedule with something easy.

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