
quit job after 16 hr shift no breaks

6 weeks ago I started working in a deli in a gas station. It started out ok then it went downhill FAST. About 2 weeks in 4 people quit and only 1 person hired. Started working overtime. Would have been alright but the manager leaves at 3 pm and doesn't come back till 7 am. This place is open 24/7. The workers they have just mess around when the manager isn't there. Literally just watching Netflix all night when not hiking cases of food out the back door. No sidework done etc. 2 crackheads working there during graveyards. About 4 weeks in crackhead #1 gets busted for child porn for christ sakes. There were a shitload of cops there since I started but just thought that is where they go. After he got busted no cops anywhere. So then crackhead #2 stops showing up and I have to fill in…

6 weeks ago I started working in a deli in a gas station. It started out ok then it went downhill FAST. About 2 weeks in 4 people quit and only 1 person hired. Started working overtime. Would have been alright but the manager leaves at 3 pm and doesn't come back till 7 am. This place is open 24/7. The workers they have just mess around when the manager isn't there. Literally just watching Netflix all night when not hiking cases of food out the back door. No sidework done etc. 2 crackheads working there during graveyards. About 4 weeks in crackhead #1 gets busted for child porn for christ sakes. There were a shitload of cops there since I started but just thought that is where they go. After he got busted no cops anywhere.

So then crackhead #2 stops showing up and I have to fill in shifts. I started getting burned out because of having to play catchup with sidework etc. That's when they hire crackhead #3. He leaves whenever and presumably does deals at work. Some random crackhead will walk in and ask for crackhead #3 where they proceed to the parking lot. I know he is on something cause he says “I like to go fast” etc. He also scrubs the floor on his hands and knees with a small brush, and also sweeps the fucking parking lot with a tiny broom. Other than that he just burns food and makes other inedible items. He also freaks out a lot and says some odd sexual comments all the time.

So this 21 year old girl is put on graveyards and is scared of working by herself with this guy. Carries pepper spray the whole 9 yards. We both express our concerns but the manager says they can't fire him or he will get unemployment. Mind you his first shift he went home for several hours on the clock. And has stolen many items. Shows up at odd times clock's in and works a shift.

So I start working mad overtime. 16 hr days. No break. It's company policy to have no breaks. On Monday the manager comes in and says I have to stay late to do sidework. I flip out and say she needs to do her job amd fire crackhead #3, hire some of the applicants (good, non crackhead applicants) and come in on other shifts to make sure things run correctly. Keep in mind this is 7 am, after a 16 hr shift, and I have to drive 66 miles round trip and have to work the next shift at 3 pm. She tells me to just go home then and on the way home I was livid! So I quit. She says she won't be talked to like that but crackhead #3 calls her a bitch etc and no consequences.

The 21 year old graveyard girl said she won't work with crackhead #3 and also quit the next day. She said she would only work with me but they kept scheduling her with crackhead #3. The manager refuses to work more that 4 days a week and let's us all cover the open shifts. Doesn't hire anyone and just let's the place slip into anarchy.

So now I'm worried they are gonna short my check because they refuse to give me a pay stub since I've asked several times to verify my pay. Now they are down to 1 person up front and 3 in the deli to cover 3 shifts per day in 2 departments. I'm betting the manager still will only work 4 days a week and make the others work 12 hrs a day 7 days a week.

Sorry for the crappy telling of this story, there is a lot more to it but typing on this phone is no dice lol. Thanks for letting me vent.

Also is there any agencies I should talk to to prevent me from being screwed over? And the fact that there are no breaks? And the deli is absolutely not sanitary? And the obvious drugs on the premises and deals going down?

On a side note it's a truck stop and every graveyard there is some woman etc parking her car and heading over to the truckers. So disgusting. So glad I quit.

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