
Quit my boss today / rant about the psychotic behavior.

I worked at a place for a year, went home each night in physical pain from how hard the labor was. My first day I puked into a ditch from physical exhaustion. I originally wanted part time work and was forced to work 50-60hour weeks. I basically did 3/4 of the entire workload for the company and was the only non family employee. I did the job of 4-5 people and gave my best every day, changing my diet and sleeping habits, lifestyle etc., to keep up with the crazy workload. The boss was mentally ill and/or a complete abuser, abusing his wife, kids, and grandson if front of me multiple times. Not giving clear instructions but then coming in the middle of a project and micromanaging, lying to customers, lying to me, almost killing me several times with heavy machinery, bragging about his six hernias and a drinking problem…

I worked at a place for a year, went home each night in physical pain from how hard the labor was. My first day I puked into a ditch from physical exhaustion. I originally wanted part time work and was forced to work 50-60hour weeks. I basically did 3/4 of the entire workload for the company and was the only non family employee. I did the job of 4-5 people and gave my best every day, changing my diet and sleeping habits, lifestyle etc., to keep up with the crazy workload.

The boss was mentally ill and/or a complete abuser, abusing his wife, kids, and grandson if front of me multiple times. Not giving clear instructions but then coming in the middle of a project and micromanaging, lying to customers, lying to me, almost killing me several times with heavy machinery, bragging about his six hernias and a drinking problem that took out his liver. He also wouldn't hire women because he didn't think they could do physical labor. He was doing everything in the most shady way possible.

I can go on for literally pages on the abuse in all aspects of the job. I was pushed past my limits though when his behavior got even worse in the last two weeks and he publicly abused his son in front of the doors to a busy supermarket and had a temper tantrum literally like a 3 year old, that caused 10s of thousands in property damage to another business. It's not worth it people, no matter how much they offer you (he tried to give me a $14/hr raise to stay. I was at 24 so 38 was the offer.) it's not worth it.

I actually in only the second time in my life wanted to just beat the shit out of this guy by the end of my last day. I'm about the most chill and peaceful person you could ever meet. In fact I had to walk off the job leaving my car and everything because my keys were in the work van and walked five miles home in the blazing sun.

Anyway, just ranting because I'm now feeling traumatized from this work experience and really hoping to recover from the financial, mental, and physical loss right now. Loved my actual job (when the boss wasn't around), where I was helping regular people each day to improve their lives.

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