
Quit My Job for School, Boss Calls to tell me my “Character is not good.”

I have been working this part time job since my junior year of college. The hours sucked but the work was somewhat relevant to my field. Currently I am taking 19 credit hours and simply did not have the time for the job anymore, the hours were overnight and evenings on the weekend. I sent my notice in on Sunday, the upcoming weekend I was scheduled to work overnight, I could not do this as I have two projects due the following week, I told my manager this three weeks ago and he decided to continue having me work that shift. He did not want to be flexible so I quit. Fast foward to this monday, I receive a call at 7am. The managers boss calls me and starts to berate me, “What you did is so dissapointing.” Also, “This makes me question your character as you can't be reliable.”…

I have been working this part time job since my junior year of college. The hours sucked but the work was somewhat relevant to my field. Currently I am taking 19 credit hours and simply did not have the time for the job anymore, the hours were overnight and evenings on the weekend.

I sent my notice in on Sunday, the upcoming weekend I was scheduled to work overnight, I could not do this as I have two projects due the following week, I told my manager this three weeks ago and he decided to continue having me work that shift. He did not want to be flexible so I quit.

Fast foward to this monday, I receive a call at 7am. The managers boss calls me and starts to berate me, “What you did is so dissapointing.” Also, “This makes me question your character as you can't be reliable.” I have not seen this man since I was interviewed by him. He went into how he did “22 credits a semester while in the military.” I don't think they even allow that. He also wanted to tell me how I had “an obligation” to continue working there. I am not under a contract and told him I could leave at any point, I have no obligations and my only obligation is to finish my degree this coming May.

I have worked here for a year and half, shown up to every shift, done extra shifts when people have quit without any notice but I am unreliable. They only hire students for this position and can't find students who would even want to work overnight. I fought back on the phone and as soon as he knew he couldn't bully me into staying, he wanted to end the conversation.

My main concern in this situation is that I used to use the manager (who I like and he has been a good reference in the past), and now with his boss telling me how poor my “character is” I don't know if this can be considered a good reference anymore. I'm fairly concerned with even letting my future employment oppurtunites contact them. Thoughts?

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