
Quit my job, served my notice, and just got an email telling me to start new assignments

Quit my job because I was assigned the jobs of seven people and paid two months late (every time) for the pleasure. Served my notice, and trained up a new “freelance contractor” to take my place. Finished work a couple of days ago, logged off, and deleted all my work stuff off of my computer, because I don't need this crappy company accusing me of sabotage. I've already started my new gig and it's lower pay but I'm loving it, so no need to ever run back to this CEO. Ended up getting an email today from the new hire with the CEO CC'd (on a Saturday, mind you) giving me another assignment. On my personal email. On a Saturday. After I finished my notice. Didn't even mention compensation or the fact that I'd quit. Companies today have some gall lmao (PS: nope, I'm not going to do it, and…

Quit my job because I was assigned the jobs of seven people and paid two months late (every time) for the pleasure. Served my notice, and trained up a new “freelance contractor” to take my place.

Finished work a couple of days ago, logged off, and deleted all my work stuff off of my computer, because I don't need this crappy company accusing me of sabotage. I've already started my new gig and it's lower pay but I'm loving it, so no need to ever run back to this CEO.

Ended up getting an email today from the new hire with the CEO CC'd (on a Saturday, mind you) giving me another assignment. On my personal email. On a Saturday. After I finished my notice. Didn't even mention compensation or the fact that I'd quit. Companies today have some gall lmao

(PS: nope, I'm not going to do it, and no, I'm not responding)

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