
Quit my job today that I had for 6 years

I quit my kitchen job today after 6 years because A. Denied vacation time again & again. I've only had 2 extra days off in the past 365 days. I was 1 of the main employees there & my time off was denied because back-up co-worker can't handle working 4 days straight. So I was told. I don't see how that's my problem. I'm legally entitled to my time off. Girlfriend I met has been inviting me to go on a roadtrip with her. Suppost to go away for 2-3 weeks & management wouldn't allow it, interfering with my potential social life. Planning on going next spring now fortunately. Whenever I did have a extra day booked off in the past. Managment would call & demand why I wasn't at work even though it says on the schedule in writting “Requested time off Approved”. B. My Good-natured Positve-Helpful personality was…

I quit my kitchen job today after 6 years because

A. Denied vacation time again & again. I've only had 2 extra days off in the past 365 days.
I was 1 of the main employees there & my time off was denied because back-up co-worker can't handle working 4 days straight. So I was told. I don't see how that's my problem. I'm legally entitled to my time off.
Girlfriend I met has been inviting me to go on a roadtrip with her. Suppost to go away for 2-3 weeks & management wouldn't allow it, interfering with my potential social life. Planning on going next spring now fortunately.

Whenever I did have a extra day booked off in the past. Managment would call & demand why I wasn't at work even though it says on the schedule in writting “Requested time off Approved”.

B. My Good-natured Positve-Helpful personality was starting to be taken advantage of because I never said no to any call-ins. This goes with point A as well. They relied on me too much.

C. Management was sugar-coating my co-workers job. Making it nice & easy for them & he only worked 2 days a week (my days off) But gives me the additional tasks & responsibilities but not him.
I would walk in my 1st shift of the week every week, only to see a mountain load of work because bro-man for whatever reason get's nice short shifts resulting in not getting much done.

D. Recieving uncalled for comments by Management (ex. Being called Expendable)

E. No Career Advancement. No Significant wage increase in 6 years.

I quit. Got a new job elsewhere at a food processing plant & it provides better benefits, better pay, More hours, 4 day work week – 3 day Weekend. But if in anyway, they decide to give me a hard time with my time off requests? I'll quit in a heartbeat. Planning on going on that roadtrip one way or another, even if it means going unemployed for a month.
What an eye-opening experience. I know my worth, my value. I'm dedicated to the job. It's the employer who has to prove to me they're worth my time. Not the other way around. With my credentials. I can be employed easily enough anywhere. I want to learn new skills now & learn another trade so I'm not stuck in another dead-end job later in life. I'm thankful this happened in my early 20's & not later in life when I'll likely have more responsibilities & commitments.

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