
Quit my nightmare job after 5 days due to horrible management, shop closed for a few days.

I’ll keep this as short and sweet and simultaneously try to include all the juicy details as it’s been a few weeks since this happened. I got a job at a local confectionery place after job hunting since graduating college last year with over 200+ applications, 2 interviews, and no call backs. Didn’t even have an interview after inquiring within and started working 2 days later as shift lead for $14 an hour. Red flag #1. 1st day in, coworkers talked a TON of shit about working with the manager. Average, nothing crazy. Worked with the manager 2nd day in and she randomly told us that it was illegal for us to discuss our wages with each other. We informed her that we are protected, she was adamant we were wrong. Major red flag #2. (Of course we discussed our wages, coworker only had a dollar raise after being there…

I’ll keep this as short and sweet and simultaneously try to include all the juicy details as it’s been a few weeks since this happened.

I got a job at a local confectionery place after job hunting since graduating college last year with over 200+ applications, 2 interviews, and no call backs. Didn’t even have an interview after inquiring within and started working 2 days later as shift lead for $14 an hour. Red flag #1.

1st day in, coworkers talked a TON of shit about working with the manager. Average, nothing crazy.

Worked with the manager 2nd day in and she randomly told us that it was illegal for us to discuss our wages with each other. We informed her that we are protected, she was adamant we were wrong. Major red flag #2. (Of course we discussed our wages, coworker only had a dollar raise after being there 2 years. He ended up leaving a few days later.)

Manager made me work 5 closing shifts in a row (8PM-4:30AM) and didn’t accommodate any opening shifts. Fucked up my sleep schedule real good. Red flag #3

3rd day we got SLAMMED for 5 hours straight, manager was in the back rearranging items in the cooler for 3 hours while we were overwhelmed. I got fed up and went into the back to tell her to help us as there’s 50+ people in line. The manager turns around and starts talking incomprehensibly and kept sniffing and touching her face. After she refused to help, I noticed her sniff something out of tin foil she quickly put away. Let’s just say she was undoubtedly Team Coca-Cola if you catch my drift. MAJOR RED FLAG #4.

Asked for a break once the 5 hour rush ended so the manager would help out while I went outside for a smoke. She said we don’t get breaks and to help the next customer with no one in line. Red flag #5.

At this point I was beyond fed up. I decided to try to finish the week to get a solid check.

Manager wanted me to come in on the 6th day after making 40 hours with some overtime (all during same pay period). I informed the manager that I won’t come in on the next scheduled day unless I was paid overtime for the whole shift. She played dumb and QUICKLY said to take the day off. Red flag #6.

During 3rd day the manager wanted me to learn after hours paperwork (manager’s job) so I can close by myself. I told the manager those duties weren’t in the initial duties requested. Manager still is jawing and speeds through paperwork. Also gives me the front door key and storage key so I can open by myself next week. I didn’t learn anything about the paperwork. Red flag #7.

After work I told the manager I need to get some opening shifts because closing shifts are draining me physically and mentally. She responded a day later saying she will only accommodate if I unload the truck coming two days later and do inventory (also manager’s job). Red flags #8 and #9.

2 coworkers quit after the shift I was supposed to do overtime after telling me they got shorted $250 on their last check. The plan to quit was falling into place perfectly. Final red flag #10. Way too damn many for $14 an hour.

I was done with this place and done with the manager. I needed to quit while sending a true r/antiwork message.

After receiving the next week’s schedule, the manager only scheduled me 2 opening shifts and 3 closing shifts on the busiest days. The manager than reiterated I needed to come in the next day to unload the truck and take inventory.

I responded with this exact text:

“I have come to the conclusion that I won’t be unloading a truck and doing the duties I have learned over the past five days for such low pay. I am quitting effective immediately. I’ll text you when the shirts, hats, front door key and storage key are returned. I also need my 40 hours and overtime deposited into my bank account on the nearest pay day. Thank you and good luck to you.”

I went in the next day and they were closed. I texted the manager and attempted to make me feel bad saying they’re closed due to her being “all alone.” Dropped the items in a plastic bag, took a picture, sent it, and felt the biggest weight come off my shoulders like I’ve never felt before.

3 days later, they were still closed. Didn’t check after that since I was satisfied with my actions and message I sent with my resignation.

We deserve better. Don’t be afraid to speak out and know your worth.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it nearly as much as I did when I quit.

TL:DR: Manager tried to make me do her job for the same pay, quit after MULTIPLE red flags. 2 other coworkers left after being there for 2 years and got shorted $250 each off their checks. Went to return hats, shirts, a front door and storage key. Shop was closed for 3 days.

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